WIN: Introducing the job profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager

WIN: Introducing the job profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager



The Erasmus+ Project WIN (Introducing the profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager) started in January 2022 and will last until June 2024.

WIN will directly address the needs and challenges that companies, SMEs and organizations face in their efforts to manage and promote workplace innovation by introducing the professional profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic many companies have experienced the need of step up their digital capacity, a condition that made WIN partners recognize the fast-growing importance of workplace innovation. The challenge now is to support and to promote this new business area into a more concrete professional figure able to spread concepts on ideas management, design thinking and innovation capabilities throughout the organization.


The first step of this project consists in producing the “State of the Art on Workplace Innovation” synthesis report which entails a framework of tools and methodology for managing and promoting workplace innovation. Furthermore, this preparatory phase will be implemented through the application and experimentation of the developing training course into the partner countries with several piloting activities which will lead to the completion of an e-learning platform. Partners will be eventually responsible of a dissemination activity to promote the recognition of the Workplace Innovation Manager at a European level.


The final aim of all partners involved is to enhance motivation and capability, market resilience and overall competitiveness by providing SMEs tools and methodologies to introduce the role of the Workplace Innovation Manager.



Eight different partners from five European Countries are ready to work on this project: INNOVATIVE HIVE  and EPIMELITIRIO LARISSAS (Larissa Chamber of Commerce) from Greece, Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja (MIITR) and Savinjsko-šaleška gospodarska zbornica (SŠGZ – Savinjsko-Šaleška Chamber of Commerce and Industry) from Slovenia, Magyar-Bolgár Gazdasági Kamara (the Hungarian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce) from Hungary, Balkan Bridge EOOD from Bulgaria and IP-International GmbH Creative Corporate Training and the German-Italian Chamber of Commerce ITALCAM from Germany.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.