Conquer New Shores and Build New Bridges
In the ideal situation:
The employees of your company envision their tasks as an exciting adventure. They work toward a common goal and do not lose faith or motivation, not even during difficult times and adverse circumstances.
You rely on tradition, innovation, quality and sustainability in services and products as well as in the working environment.
You react quickly and with flexibility to changes with the smallest possible effort.
You focus on what really counts, so that you do not waste resources or manpower.
It is our mission to support you to meet challenges with expertise, enthusiasm and drive.
Our mission is to create bridges between apparent opposites: between experience and curiosity, between people and technology, between tradition and innovation, and between continuity and change.
Our goal is to increase creativity, drive, endurance and success
Over decades of international experience, we have learned to grow beyond boundaries, especially our own. From research, however, we know that as experts we often lose sight of what seems obvious, but that this is often where the problem lies. That is why we like to work across disciplines, and with experts and “non experts”. The experts bring their expertise, while people from other fields have a fresh view and ask questions that elude the experts.
We start with what is already there and build on it. We suggest change only when it adds value; often “less is more”. Continuity, along with meaningful change, makes change management easier and increases acceptance among employees, all the more so if they are allowed to make contributions.
We value people and diversity as a source of inspiration. We are curious and open to new ideas and want to improve in every way, every day. We love commitment, efficiency and effectiveness.
Our motto: Work smart, not hard.
As Diverse as the People and the World We Live In
Training should be tailored to your needs and your environment. Every environment places different demands on us, and every person has unique skills, strategies and preferences.
LearnInProgress® was developed at the University of Bologna, Italy. Its methodology takes account of these factors.
The starting point is the analysis of the operational requirements. We take into account the existing competencies and learning preferences of individuals to determine their training needs. Effective learning requires that your employees recognize and share the purpose of their training and that their individual goals are in line with the company’s objectives.
Contact us
Learning games for adults accelerate learning and increase memory by up to 90 percent. Playing such a game can ease a stressful situation, as well as promote cooperation and creativity. Our games developed for your organization also accelerate the acquisition of practical and conceptual knowledge. By playing these games, your employees can learn to increase the skill level of their tasks by up to 300 percent.
Through playing our games your employees also activate their personal resources and skills, In addition our games promote team spirit and strengthen leadership qualities. In our experience, they are particularly suitable in areas where rules are to be learned and put into practice. Examples are: quality standards (the Quality Triathlon®), internal company regulations, and health and safety in the work place.
On request, we will develop tailor-made learning games according to your specific requirements and topics in collaboration with your SME.
Collaborative learning strengthens the sense of belonging, promotes synergy, a shared knowledge base, and increases productivity.
Whether your company will succeed in the market depends on how quickly and successfully you react to changing situations.
Change always requires learning. In an organization, this requires a group effort. The success of your company depends on the capacity of your staff to share their knowledge and skills. An organization that focuses on learning is better prepared to successfully master challenges, even under adverse circumstances.
Collaborative learning is an ideal choice for improved work organization, workflow optimization, and continuous improvement processes, as it strengthens the analytical thinking, problem-solving skills and cooperation skills of your employees.
Your time and effort must be worthwhile and the investment must be productive. Efficiency and effectiveness are indispensable prerequisites for sustainability, especially in reference to continuing education and training. From our research in adult education, we know that blended learning is often one step ahead of pure classroom training and of pure e-learning.
According to the organizational or individual requirements, you need to activate different skills and strategies. Your individual LearnInProgress® profile will show you which resources, strategies and strengths you have at hand and how to use or develop them in order to carry out your tasks and challenges. The analysis of each individual’s work style is determined through a card game, which is played either online or in person,
Our program utilizing blended learning prepares your employees for our classroom training. After each training course, each person will have the opportunity to internalize their newly acquired knowledge online, when and where it suits them best.
Every company needs leaders and managers who are capable of making decisions, who are able to take over responsibility, and who can inspire and empower people to make active contributions. Innovative ideas and people who can constructively transform conflicts into creative, action-oriented alternatives add value to any organization.
The Betzavta (engl.: together) program was developed in 1988 by Uki Maroshek-Klarman at the Jerusalem Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace. Betzavta promotes participatory styles of leadership, self-determined action and decision-making.
Betzavta is a method that provides a variety of surprising and life-changing experiences in the shortest time possible. The open-ended approach questions habitual patterns of behaviour to spark increased personal responsibility, flexibility, new perspectives and creative alternatives.
Appreciative action-oriented communication ensures good relations and a good working atmosphere, especially with customers and in employee management, as well as daily interaction among colleagues. In addition: increased clarity leads to increased efficiency, and appreciation of employees increases their willingness to cooperate.
Action-oriented, appreciative communication promotes positive personal and organizational development. It accelerates learning processes and significantly reduces the resistance typical of change processes. This can save a lot of time and effort.
Laughter is a healthy expression that comes to children naturally. This is probably why children laugh much more than adults per. Laughter helps to create a positive frame of mind and softens tensions. Being able to laugh at yourself helps to escape the tunnel vision typical in stressful situations and leads to increased clarity and energy.
A company where people are comfortable enough to laugh has a positive effect on everyone and on the company image. Happiness is contagious; it creates a sense of community, promotes team spirit, and helps in learning. Happiness clears the way for creativity and innovation.
Laughter yoga is an effective relaxation technique that we employ in our trainings or in our coaching session.

Sylvie Schoch
Sylvie Schoch is founder and CEO of IP-International.

Elisa Paola Lombardo
Elisa Paolo Lombardo is a versatile and experienced designer.

Paolo Cortucci
Paolo Cortucci is a versatile and experienced trainer.

Nayibe Vasquez
Nayibe Vasquez comes from an international background and is experienced in vocational training.
We Cooperate with Exciting Partners Who Appreciate Our Flexible Approach

Renata Negri
Services for Business Growth and Protection: Project Management, Interim Management, Insurance Services, and Tax Planning.

Studio Legale e Tributario
Legal Services for Businesses: Strategy Development, Anticipation of Challenges, and Simplification of Complex Conditions.

The Heimverzeichnis is a non-profit, independent consumer portal. It offers independent senior citizens, as well senior citizens in need of care and their relatives a guide to help them choose facilities that focus on autonomy, participation and the dignity of older people.
More than sixty volunteer, carefully selected and trained experts evaluate senior citizens’ facilities in the areas of autonomy, participation and human dignity throughout Germany.

Advice Information Technology
Advice IT is active in the ICT sector and offers organizations tailor-made solutions for lean production processes and personnel planning for retail chains as well as for museums, exhibitions and events.
Advice IT is the scientific coordinator for research project in industry and research institutes. They also supervise technology transfer, i.e. the introduction of prototypes and innovative technologies within the framework of national research and development programs.