GAMLEC – Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care – has been recognized as Good Practice
We are very proud to announce that our Erasmus+ project GAMLEC has been recognised as a “Good Practice”!
It was not the first time that IP-International created a learning game for adults, but it was the very first time we had applied for an Erasmus+ project. It was also the very first time we had thought of creating a learning game for adults on the quality of life of care home residents based on soft criteria.
Designing creative learning opportunities for adults is our passion and, therefore, we love to think that topics generally perceived as difficult, bureaucratic, boring, etc. should be the very first ones to be conveyed in a way that makes learning easy, appealing and, why not, fun.
We have already created learning games based, among others, on the Italian Health and Safety legislation, and the German Quality Criteria for Care Homes. However, never ever had we thought of creating a learning game on “the quality of life of care home residents” in terms of soft criteria or the behavioural aspects of caregiving.
As we love challenges, we went and looked for potential partners to involve in the project, even though we had low expectations. Our vision was to create a learning board game for caregivers and lay people alike, such as family members or volunteers, on the quality of life of dependent seniors in care homes. But who was going to buy into such an idea?
Well, sometimes reality beats imagination and the people we spoke to about GAMLEC simply loved it and were eager to participate!
We then had to write the project application, something we had never ever done before. The application was a real-time and energy-consuming endeavour. But, and incredibly so, our very first project was approved. Thus, we found ourselves being European Coordinators of a very ambitious project.
How challenging transforming soft criteria into a learning game was going to be unfolded later on in the project… Not to mention how incredibly difficult it was to deal with taboos and undesired, sometimes even violent, behaviours.
We must confess that we had some sleepless nights! However, creativity at its best and hard work eventually paid off! And all the hard work was rewarded with the “Good Practice” award conferred to the GAMLEC Consortium by the German National Agency.
Check it out on!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.