PROJECT REFERENCE: ERASMUS PLUS PROGRAMME; KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education
Readiness; PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-IT02-KA226-SCH-095543


IP-International GmbH is requesting a cost quotation from qualified companies or agencies to translate the following MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) content. Translation will be from English to Slovenian:

IO1 – MOOC “Teaching with digital Game” (2nd moth to 14th month)
Objective: Develop a MOOC course for teachers to provide skills about integration of digital game in teaching.
Promote in teachers the skills to:

  • Effectively integrate the principles of game-based pedagogy within their integrated digital education journey.
  • Use the digital game-based approach in a critical manner.
  • Build effective interventions based on the use of games capable of making students achieve the expected learning.


IP-International is a partner in the “Game Motivation Elevates Earned Learning” (GA.M.EL.EARN) project. The project has a duration of 24 Months. It started 01.04.2021 and ends on 31.03.2023.

The general objective of the project is to increase motivation and participation of students through game-based, effective, and quality digital teaching courses. The project target group is made up of second- and third-year teachers at upper secondary schools.

The GA.M.EL.EARN project has two main intellectual outputs (IO):

  • IO1 is a professional development course, shared as a MOOC, that provides teachers with the basis on how digital game-based teaching can be adopted in teaching paths integrated digital system. Being aimed at working teachers, it can be used in the times congenial to them. It is aimed at learning how to teach through the digital game-based approach.
  • IO2 is a curriculum, developed for each participating country. It will allow teachers to integrate in a pedagogically effective way dgb (Digital Game Based) learning resources able to raise the level of attention and motivation of students to learn, creating the conditions for improvement of school performance.


Scope of Work
IP-International is expecting proposals from qualified companies or agencies to translate the following content into Slovenian language:

  • MOOC course for teachers to provide skills about integration of digital game in teaching (approximately 30 pages)


Request for Price Quotation


RFP Response Information
The key dates for this RFP process are shown below:

Thursday, 25 August 2022
Submission of questions or requests for clarification via email to and (in cc.) or by phone: +49 176 27 14 19 79.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Submission of brief proposal.

September, 2022
Scheduled start date for contract. Start date is subject to change.


Selection criteria
IP-International is issuing this RFP requesting that each vendor provides us with a brief proposal by no later than Tuesday, 30 August 2022 but preferably by Friday, 26 August 2022. The cost of services is the only selection criteria.